Does the country receive a significant amount of donations from other countries or individuals located outside of the country to support healthcare system? | Indonesia Does the country receive a significant amount of donations from other countries or individuals located outside of the country to support healthcare system? | Indonesia

13 Apr 2022

External sources of financing, including donations, are considered to be the fourth largest source of health care funding in Indonesia. However, they are estimated to amount to only about between one to four per cent of the health budget (Mahendradhata et al., 2017, p.98; World Bank, 2016b, p.5).

The Asian Development Bank, followed by the World Bank, have been considered as the biggest donors for Indonesia in 2012. Donations from Japan were ranked on third place. Japan is considered to be the largest single donor country supporting Indonesia, accounting for 45% of the cumulative total of official development assistance (ODA) since 1960 (Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2018). Other significant donors include the Australian Agency for International Development, the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Agence Française de Développement, the United States Agency for International Development, the United Nations, the Millenium Challenge Corporation, and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. However, it is unclear what these donations were allocated for.

External health financing and technical assistance in Indonesia appears to be targeted at specific interventions, such as immunization, HIV, TB, and malaria. According to the Ministry of Health, external funding accounted for 60 per cent of spending on TB and 10-15 per cent on vaccination in 2015. Changes in funding over time may reflect the government’s ability to sustain programmes independently as well as donor interests (Mahendradhata et al., 2017, p.98; World Bank, 2016b, p.5).


Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2018). Indonesia’ s Development and Japan’ s Cooperation : Building the Future Based on Trust (Issue April). https://www.jica.go.jp/publication/pamph/region/ku57pq00002izqzn-att/indonesia_development_en.pdf

Mahendradhata, Y., Trisnantoro, L., Listyadewi, S., Soewondo, P., MArthias, T., Harimurti, P., & Prawira, J. (2017). The Republic of Indonesia Health System Review (Vol. 7, Issue 1). https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/254716/9789290225164-eng.pdf

World Bank. (2016b). Indonesia Health Financing System assessment: spend more, spend right & spend better. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/453091479269158106/pdf/110298-REVISED-PUBLIC-HFSA-Nov17-LowRes.pdf