Who sets the priorities for funding? | New Zealand Who sets the priorities for funding? | New Zealand
14 Sep 2022
The Ministry leads the health and disability system and has overall responsibility for the management and development of that system (Ministry of Health, 2019). It steers improvements that help New Zealanders live longer, healthier, and more independent lives. The Ministry ensures that the health and disability system is delivering on the Government’s priorities, and that health sector organisations are well governed and soundly managed from a financial perspective. To do this, the Ministry:
- advises the government;
- funds, monitors, and drives the performance improvements of health sector Crown entities, including district health boards (DHBs);
- supports the planning and accountability functions of health sector Crown entities, including DHBs;
- regulates the sector and ensures legislative requirements are being met.
Ministry of Health. (2019). What we do. Ministry of Health website. Available from: https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministry/what-we-do.