What is the process for deciding how much funding is available for health service provision? | Brazil What is the process for deciding how much funding is available for health service provision? | Brazil
31 Mar 2022
The Constitution of 1988 defines the key planning and budgeting instruments as: (a) the Pluriannual Plan (Plano Plurianual – PPA), which is formulated over the first year of a presidential mandate and covers a period of 4 years; (b) the Law of Budgetary Guidelines (Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias – LDO) to be passed every year to define the key parameters and policy directives that will orient budget formulation; and (c) the annual Budget Law (Lei Orçamentária Anual – LOA). The PPA is meant to define objectives and targets for national, regional, and sectoral government plans and programs, while LDOs and LOAs are supposed to translate these into yearly priorities and activities. The Ministry of Planning reviews and updates the budget for health as part of the process for formulating the PPA. At the beginning of each PPA cycle, the ministry of planning defines the programs that outline the government’s agenda for each area of public policy, including health policies (International Budget Partnership, 2018).
International Budget Partnership. (2018). Defining and managing budget programs in the Health Sector: The Brazilian Experience. https://www.internationalbudget.org/wp-content/uploads/case-study-health-budget-programs-in-brazil-ibp-2018.pdf