01.03.02. Composition of the economy | South Africa

01.03.02. Composition of the economy | South Africa

12 Aug 2022

The table below summarises the main productive sectors of the South African economy, compiled from data source (StatsSA, 2018b):

Table 6: Composition of the economy (main productive sectors)

Sector Industry Increased (%) during 3rd quarter of 2018
Primary Agriculture, forestry, fishing 6.5
Secondary Manufacturing 7.5
Tertiary Trade, catering and accommodation 3.2
Transport, storage and communication 5.7
Finance, real estate and business services 2.3
General government services 1.5
Personal services 0.7

StatsSA. (2018b). Gross domestic product: Third quarter. Available from: https://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/P0441/P04413rdQuarter2018.pdf