01.02.03. Prevalence or burden of injury and violence | South Africa

01.02.03. Prevalence or burden of injury and violence | South Africa

12 Aug 2022

South Africa’s injury burden, particularly homicide, is reportedly 6 times higher than the global average (Jabar & Matzopoulos, 2017). Interpersonal violence ranked 8th on the top ten causes of premature death in South Africa in 2015, followed by road injuries and accidental gunshots (Groenewald et al., 2017). Injury related deaths moderately increased from 11% in 2006 to 14.6% in 2015 (Groenewald et al., 2017).


Groenewald, P., Bradshaw, D., Day, C., & Laubscher, R. (2017). 14 Burden of disease. October 2012, 206–226. Availabe from: https://www.hst.org.za/publications/District%20Health%20Barometers/14%20(Section%20A)%20Burden%20of%20Disease.pdf

Jabar, A., & Matzopoulos, R. (2017). Violence and injury observatories Reducing the burden of injury in high-risk communities. SA Crime Quarterly, 59(59), 47–57. https://doi.org/10.17159/2413-3108/2017/v0n59a1547