01.01.06. Migration | Brazil

01.01.06. Migration | Brazil

24 Mar 2022

With regards to within country migration, in 2010, around 35% of the population did not live in the city where they were born, and 14.5% (26 million) lived in another state. The number of migrants is bigger in Southern areas, whilst most people in Northern areas are originally from there. São Paulo (19.4%), Rio de Janeiro (13,1%), Paraná (16.3%) and Goiás (26.6%) had the highest proportions of people who were not originally from there. Minas Gerais (18.4%), Bahia (22.1%), São Paulo (5.8%) and Paraná (21.1%) had the largest number of people who emigrated to another state (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2010b, 2010a).

With regards to international migration, in 2010, Brazil had received around 268,500 migrants from other countries, 86.7% more than in 2000 (143,600). Of the total of international migrants, 174.6 thousand (65.0%) were Brazilians returning to Brazil. Most of the migrants were coming from the United States (51.9 thousand) and Japan (41.4 thousand). (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2010b, 2010a).

Until 1980, outmigration in Brazil used to be rare, with more people emigrating to Paraguay. In the recent years, outmigration from Brazil has become more common, frequently occurring to the United States (around 750,000 people), Paraguay (350,000), and Japan (250,000). Other countries receiving Brazilians are Portugal (circa of 65,000 people), Italy (65,000), Swiss (45,000), and the UK (30,000). Around other 500,000 Brazilians are living abroad in Europe and other continents (Committee on foreign affairs and national defense, 2004).


Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. (2010a). Proporcao de migrantes entre grandes regioes, UFs e municipios. https://brasilemsintese.ibge.gov.br/populacao/proporcao-de-migrantes-entre-grandes-regioes-ufs-e-municipios.html

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. (2010b). Vamos conhecer o Brasil. Nosso povo: Migracao e deslocamento.

Committee on foreign affairs and national defense. (2004). Brasileiros no Exterior. Portal da Câmara dos Deputados.