01.01.05. Ageing and life expectancy | Brazil

01.01.05. Ageing and life expectancy | Brazil

24 Mar 2022

The total fertility rate in Brazil in 2019 was 1.77 and this is expected to decrease to 1.68 by 2050. The crude natality and mortality rates in Brazil in 2019 were 14.20 and 6.51, respectively. By 2050, mortality rate is expected to increase to 10.69% and natality rate is expected to decrease to 9.89%. In 2019, mortality rate in children under 2 years old was 11.94%, and this is expected to reduce to 7.24% by 2050 (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2002, 2019f).

The ageing index in Brazil is defined as the number of people aged 60 years and over per every 100 people under 15 years of age, in a population living in a geographical space in a determined year. Advanced values for this index indicate the population is at advanced stages of the demographic transition. The ageing index in Brazil is expected to increase over the years, from 29.55 in 2010 to 173.47 in 2060 (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2020; Interagency Health Information Network, 2008). The median age of the population in 2000 was 24.2 years (23.5 years for men and 24.9 years for women). By 2018, median age raised to 32.6 years (the highest median age was in Rio Grande do Sul (35.9), and the lowest in was in Acre (24.9) (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2002, 2019f).

Life expectancy at birth is also increasing in Brazil, with this being 73.3 for men and 80.2 for women in 2020. By 2060, these are expected to reach 77.9 for men and 84.2 for women. However, life expectancy rates are remarkably different across the country’s regions. For example, the life expectancy for both males and females were 79.6 in Santa Catarina (in the South of Brazil) in 2018 and are expected to increase to 84.5 years in 2060. Differently, in 2018 life expectancy at birth for both genders in the state of Maranhão (in the Northeast of Brazil) was 71.1 and is projected to be 78.2 years in 2060 (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2002, 2019f).


Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. (2002). Tendencia demográfica.

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. (2019f). Population projections.

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. (2020). Tabela 4492: Pessoas de 18 anos ou mais de idade que referem diagnóstico médico de diabetes, total, percentual e coeficiente de variação, por condição em relação à força de trabalho na semana de referência e situação do domicilio. SIDRA. https://sidra.ibge.gov.br/tabela/4492

Interagency Health Information Network (Ed.). (2008). Indicadores básicos para a saúde no Brasil: Conceitos e aplicações (2a edição). Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, Escritório Regional para as Américas da Organização Mundial da Saúde. http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/tabdata/livroidb/2ed/indicadores.pdf