01.01.01. Total population size and structure | South Africa

01.01.01. Total population size and structure | South Africa

12 Aug 2022

The 2021 mid-year population estimates assert that the South African total population is at 60.1 million people (StatsSA, 2021). The South-African population is usually classified using the population groups that people use to describe themselves in the country’s census, and that have a historical basis in the ‘racial’ classification system of the Apartheid regime: Black African, Coloured, White, Indian/Asian, and Unspecified. The table below provides the breakdown of the population structure, as per these estimates:

Table 1: Mid-year estimates for South Africa by population group and sex for 2021[1]

Population group Male Female Total
Number % of total male population Number % of total female population Number % of total population
Black African 23 761 051 80,9 24 879 278 80,9 48 640 329 80,9
Coloured 2 578 930 8,8 2 716 038 8,8 5 294 968 8,8
Indian/Asian 790 412 2,7 754 810 2,5 1 545 222 2,6
White 2 257 654 7,7 2 404 805 7,8 4 662 459 7,8
Total 29 338 047 100,0 30 754 931 100,0 60 142 978 100,0

Source: (StatsSA, 2021). Mid-year population estimates (table 5), p.9. 

The majority of the population falls within the 25-59 year old age range (44%), followed by 0-14 year olds (29%), 15-24 year olds (18%) and 60 years and over (8%) (United Nations, 2017).

[1] The total population estimates have been updated for 2021 but the data presented in the remaining tables remain for 2018 as the overall proportions and trends have not changed.


StatsSA. (2021). Mid-year population estimates 2021. In Statistics South Africa: Release date 19 July 2021 (Issue Statistical release P0302). Available from: http://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/P0302/P03022021.pdf

United Nations. (2017). World Population Prospects The 2017 Revision Key Findings and Advance Tables. World Population Prospects The 2017, 1–46. Available from: https://population.un.org/wpp/publications/files/wpp2017_keyfindings.pdf