01.01.01. Total population size and structure | New Zealand

01.01.01. Total population size and structure | New Zealand

13 Sep 2022

Table 1 (Statistics NZ, n.d.) outlines the figures compiled by Statistics NZ for the NZ resident population as of December 2019. At that time, the total population was 4.95 million, subsequently crossing the 5 million marks in March 2020. The median age of the population is 37.5 years with a slight preponderance of females. Life expectancy for males is 80 years, with females living an additional 3.5 years longer.

Table 1: NZ population as of December 2019 by gender and sex ratio (Statistics NZ, n.d.)

  Year ended December 2019
Estimated resident population, as of 31 December 4,951,500
Males  2,437,700
Females  2,513,800
Median age (years)  37.5
Sex ratio (males per 100 females)  97

 Tables 2 and 3 (Statistics NZ, 2021) outline the age structure of the population from the most recent 2018 census and shows that 19.5% of the total population is aged under 15 years and 15.5% aged 65 years and older. The Pacific population in NZ has a much younger age structure, with a median age of 22.1 years and only 5.2% of the Pacific population aged 65 years or older. The Pacific population is increasing at a faster rate with an annual growth of 5.2% three times that of the population as a whole.

Table 2: Age bands, annual growth, and median age of the total NZ population and Pacific population at census 2018 (Statistics NZ, 2021)

NZ Population European Maori Pacific
Total (% of total population) 4,699,755   3,297,864 70.2% 775,836 16.5% 381,642  8.2%
Annual growth (2013-2018)   1.7%           5.2%
Median age (years)   37.3   41.4   25.4   23.4

Table 3

Age band NZ population European Maori Pacific
Number % of NZ population Number % of Europeans Number % of Maori Number % of Pacific
Under 15 923,403 19.5% 621,552 18.8% 248,784 32.1% 128,154 22.6%
15-64 3,061,185  65% 2.063,163 62.6% 478,800 61.7% 233,256  72.1%
65+ 715,167  15.5% 613,149 18.6% 48,252 6.2% 20,232  5.3%

Statistics NZ. (2021). National ethnic population projections: 2018(base)-2043. New Zealand Government Website. Available from: https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/national-ethnic-population-projections-2018base-2043.

Statistics NZ. (n.d.). Population. New Zealand Government Website. Available from: https://www.stats.govt.nz/topics/population.