09.01.04. Paid or unpaid leave | Kenya

09.01.04. Paid or unpaid leave | Kenya

04 Apr 2022

According to the Employment Act, an employee is entitled to sick leave of no more than seven days with full pay and thereafter to sick leave of seven days with half pay, in each period of twelve consecutive months of service if the employee has been in service for at least two consecutive months with his employer. The employee is required to present a certificate of incapacity to work that has been signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner or a person acting on the practitioner’s behalf in charge of a dispensary or medical aid centre (Republic of Kenya, 2012). This applies to all employed persons with or without a disability.


Republic of Kenya. (2012). Employment Act: Chapter 226. The National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General. http://kenyalaw.org/kl/fileadmin/pdfdownloads/Acts/EmploymentAct_Cap226-No11of2007_01.pdf