Are these community-based services available in certain areas only? | Kenya Are these community-based services available in certain areas only? | Kenya

04 Apr 2022

There are more private residential homes in urban centres compared to rural areas. According to a press statement in 2016, Nairobi  County alone had several retirement and assisted living from less than ten the previous decade (Achuka, 2016). It is possible that the pressure of working and taking care of older persons is unlikely to take place in the cities hence family carers resort to retirement homes for the ageing parents. However, it is important to note that there are no public residential homes but only hospital-based palliative care services where people with dementia and at advanced stages are taken if they cannot afford private residential homes.


Achuka, V. (2016). The new age dilemma of caring for ageing parents. Daily Nation, 14 May. Nairobi, Kenya. https://nation.africa/kenya/life-and-style/lifestyle/the-new-age-dilemma-of-caring-for-ageing-parents-1198666?view=htmlamp