06.02.07. Is there evidence for difference in incidence/prevalence by gender and for different ethnic groups? | Kenya
06.02.07. Is there evidence for difference in incidence/prevalence by gender and for different ethnic groups? | Kenya
01 Apr 2022
There is currently no study in Kenya to our knowledge that has provided estimates of dementia incidence or prevalence by gender or ethnic groups. According to the Global Burden of Disease reported by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and WHO in 2012, the estimates of dementia prevalence in East Sub-Saharan Africa was highest among those aged 85 years and above (16.3%), followed by those aged between 80 to 84 years (8.2%), then 75 to 79 years (4.3%), 70 to 74 years (2.3%), 65 to 69 years (1.2%) and the least percentage (0.6%) seen among those aged 60 to 64 years (Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and World Health Organization (WHO), 2012).
Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). Dementia: A public health priority. United Kingdom. https://www.alzint.org/u/2020/08/Dementia-A-Public-Health-Priority.pdf