What is the organisation and working conditions of the long-term care workforce? | Brazil What is the organisation and working conditions of the long-term care workforce? | Brazil
31 Mar 2022
The work is performed in households or in care institutions. The LTC workers may be hired as either self-employed or salaried workers and their working hours vary between full time, upon demand (hourly paid), or part time (Brazilian Ministry of Economy, 2019). When individuals are self-employed, there are no employer-employee formal guarantees (e.g., pension, benefits), although they are still required to pay taxes. Formal employment is normally established through the Workers Law Consolidation (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho – CLT), which is a formal/registered employment scheme. Care workers (informal care workers) are often hired as domestic employees as they are included under this category of occupation as described in the laws N.5.859/72, N. 7.418/85, N. 11.354/06 and Article 7 of the Federal Constitution. Formal employment under Workers Law Consolidation or as a domestic employee guarantees workers’ rights, such as: a minimum salary (which is established for overall workers and pension), holidays, maternity, and paternity leaves, etc. There are no official data about how many carers are working under informal circumstances. As mentioned previously, the number of formally hired carers have increased dramatically in the past years (from 5,263 in 2007 to 34,051 in 2017) (Brazilian Ministry of Economy, 2018).
Brazilian Ministry of Economy. (2018). RAIS 2018. http://www.rais.gov.br/sitio/index.jsf
Brazilian Ministry of Economy. (2019). Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações—Relatório da Familia—4.0.15. http://www.mtecbo.gov.br/cbosite/pages/relatorio/relatorioTemplateWordFamilia.jsf