Who sets the priorities for funding? | Brazil Who sets the priorities for funding? | Brazil
31 Mar 2022
The budget to be spent on social assistance, which includes LTC, follows a “transference system” and the priorities are set by the federal government, states, and municipalities in an independent way (Brazilian Ministry of Citizenship, n.d.). Decisions are based on strategic/economic/epidemiological figures and on active participation from the population in the decision-making processes (e.g., municipal and state health forums; local management collegiate; national older people’s council). The processes of planning and allocating resources are transparent, decentralized and regularly evaluated by CONASS, which ensures that the data are available for consultation online (Brasil, 2019).
Brasil. (2019). Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde – CONASS. https://www.conass.org.br/
Brazilian Ministry of Citizenship. (n.d.). Módulo II: o Financiamento do SUAS. Retrieved July 17, 2019, from http://aplicacoes.mds.gov.br/sagi/dicivip_datain/ckfinder/userfiles/pdf/aulas_or%C3%A7amento_mds_modulo_II.pdf