Does the country have a public long-term care system? If so, please provide a description of its coverage: is it universal, or residual? What are potential barriers to access? | Brazil Does the country have a public long-term care system? If so, please provide a description of its coverage: is it universal, or residual? What are potential barriers to access? | Brazil
31 Mar 2022
Yes. The Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) provides some long-term care services to the population, such as long-term care institutions, day centres, palliative care, advance care directives, and others. The system’s coverage is means tested, provided to people without means to pay for their care or without family support (Brazilian Ministry of Citizenship, 2015). Poor people, without family support and with disabling health conditions may benefit from SUAS. Lack of information among the population regarding the existence of such services may be a potential barrier to access. The SUS may also provide some kind of LTC services through the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Although both SUAS and SUS may provide some LTC services, the provision is unsatisfactory and disintegrated.
Brazilian Ministry of Citizenship, A. (2015). Unidades de acolhimento [Página]. MINISTÉRIO DA CIDADANIA Secretaria Especial do Desenvolvimento Social. http://mds.gov.br/assuntos/assistencia-social/unidades-de-atendimento/unidades-de-acolhimento/unidades-de-acolhimento