Are there any planned changes to the financing strategies or financing mechanisms to fund the health system? | Brazil Are there any planned changes to the financing strategies or financing mechanisms to fund the health system? | Brazil
31 Mar 2022
Brazil is undergoing a socio-political and economic transition. Since 2018, Brazil is under a new government, which has been adopting austerity measures that are likely to affect the SUS. Some estimates show impacts that might be linked to these measures on healthcare of the population, such as: increased infant mortality, worsened regional disparity regarding infant mortality, increased inequalities regarding the Family Health Strategy (FHS) coverage and among mothers who regularly attend antenatal care centres. Changes in FHS coverage are likely to affect smaller municipalities disproportionately, given the stronger dependence of small municipalities on primary healthcare (Castro et al., 2019). So far, no comprehensive plan for the future exists. While the Constitutional Amendment Proposal Number 241 (PEC 241), approved in 2016, limits public expenditures and consequently affects the SUS, the Ministry of Health has strengthened the Primary Healthcare by expanding the number of working hours and the quantity of primary healthcare units. However, it is still too early to assess possible changes in the financing of the health system.
Castro, M. C., Massuda, A., Almeida, G., Menezes-Filho, N. A., Andrade, M. V., Noronha, K. V. M. de S., Rocha, R., Macinko, J., Hone, T., Tasca, R., Giovanella, L., Malik, A. M., Werneck, H., Fachine, L. A., & Rifat, A. (2019). Brazil’s unified health system: The first 30 years and prospects for the future. Lancet Health Public. https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PIIS0140673619312437.pdf