06.02.03. Please outline the total Years lived with disability (YLDs) due to dementia and the source of these estimates | Jamaica
06.02.03. Please outline the total Years lived with disability (YLDs) due to dementia and the source of these estimates | Jamaica
27 Sep 2022
This data is not currently available for Jamaica. However, it is notable that in the wider region, according to Parra et al. (2018), in some Latin American countries, dementia leads to a 200% increase in the number of years lived with disability among older persons.
Parra, M.A., Baez, S., Allegri, R., Nitrini, R., Lopera, F., Slachevsky, A., Custodio, N., Lira, D., Piguet, O., Kumfor, F. and Huepe (2018). Dementia in Latin America: Assessing the present and envisioning the future. Available from: https://pure.strath.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/85132233/Parra_etal_BMCN_2018_Dementia_in_Latin_America_assessing_the_present_and_envisioning.pdf