04.05.01. Is there dementia-specific legislation either at the national or sub-national level? | Jamaica

04.05.01. Is there dementia-specific legislation either at the national or sub-national level? | Jamaica

27 Sep 2022

No, there is not. However, Jamaica has a Mental Health Act. Under the Mental Health Bill, provisions have been made for the admissions of patients, whether voluntary or involuntary, and the designation of psychiatric facilities for the mentally ill. The provisions relate to the establishment of the Mental Health Appeal Tribunal, the consent of patients to treatment and the discharge of patients among others. Community care and role of urbanisation on mental health are also discussed. The latest legislation was enacted in 1997 (The Mental Health Act, 1997).


The Mental Health Act. (1997). Available from: https://bellevuehospital.org.jm/pdf/mental_health_act.pdf