08.02.04. Please describe the documented impacts on the caregiver of provision of unpaid care to people with dementia | New Zealand

08.02.04. Please describe the documented impacts on the caregiver of provision of unpaid care to people with dementia | New Zealand

18 Sep 2022

While not specific to dementia, the NZ Longitudinal study of ageing (NZLSA) surveyed a representative sample of ~3000 of 50-84yr olds and showed carers reported poorer mental health, with an increasing burden of care associated with poorer physical health.

The impact of unpaid care on employment and social protection uptake is outlined earlier in this section (Alpass et al., 2014).


Alpass F, Keeling S, Pond R. (2014). The New Zealand Longitudinal Study of Ageing summary report: Caregiving 2014. Available from: https://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/fms/Colleges/College%20of%20Humanities%20and%20Social%20Sciences/Psychology/HART/publications/reports/Caregiving_NZLSA_2014.pdf?1F25ED5CDD43EFD9D5B694DCDD702858.