01.01.05. Ageing and life expectancy | New Zealand

01.01.05. Ageing and life expectancy | New Zealand

13 Sep 2022

Life expectancy at birth in NZ has steadily increased since the 1950’s with a male born in 2018 expected to live 90.3 years and a female 93 years (Statistics NZ, n.d.). At age 65 years, a male can expect to live 27.8 more years and a female 29.4 years (table 8) (Statistics NZ, 2020). The most recent data on life expectancy by ethnicity is based on the death rates in NZ for the period 2012-14. While the gap between life expectancy of Māori and Pacific compared to the total population is reducing, they are still dying at least 5 years younger than the total population average (table 9) (Statistics NZ, n.d.). This gap is evident throughout the age bands but does narrow in the oldest old to less than a year difference across the three ethnicities.

Table 8: Life expectancy by gender, at select ages, for a child born in 2018 (Statistics NZ, 2020).

Male Female
0 90.9 93.0
15 76.4 78.5
50 42.4 44.1
65 27.8 29.4
75  9.3 19.7
85 9.9 10.4


Table 9: Life expectancy by age based on the death rates in NZ 2012-2014 (Statistics NZ, n.d.)

Life expectancy @ age X Total NZ Pacific Maori
0 79.5 74.5 73.0
15 65.1 60.2 58.7
50 31.8 27.5 26.7
65 18.9 15.6 15.4
75 11.5 9.4 9.5
85 5.9 5.2 5.7
0 83.2 78.7 77.1
15 68.7 64.3 62.8
50 34.8 30.9 29.5
65 21.3 18.3 17.5
75 13.3 11.3 11.2
85 6.8 6.1 6.4

Ministry of Social Development. (2016). The Social Report 2016 – Te pūrongo oranga tangata. Wellington Ministry of Social Development 2016.

Statistics NZ. (2020). New Zealand cohort life tables: March 2020 update. New Zealand Government Website. Available from: https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/new-zealand-cohort-life-tables-march-2020-update.

Statistics NZ. (n.d.). Life expectancy. New Zealand Government Website. Available from: http://archive.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/health/life_expectancy/NZLifeTables_HOTP12-14.aspx#gsc.tab=0.