Diagnostic services (in primary care) | Hong Kong SAR Diagnostic services (in primary care) | Hong Kong SAR

22 Aug 2022

Yes. Although specialists in the public sector (i.e., Hospital Authority) are the main providers of diagnostic services in Hong Kong, there are available diagnostic services in primary care in the private sector:

  1. Primary care physicians with specialist qualifications are able to provide diagnosis. By the end of 2016, there are 118 specialists registered under neurology and 355 specialists registered under psychiatry in Hong Kong (The Medical Council of Hong Kong, 2016). Some of these specialists work in primary care settings but the exact number is unknown.
  2. Some primary care physicians receive dementia training. For example, in year 2016/2017, 132 and 51 physicians have successfully completed basic and advanced courses for doctors in dementia provided by the Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. 480 people with suspected dementia have received diagnostic service under the Early Detection Service of Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association (Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association, 2017).

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. (2017). 2016/17 Annual Report. Retrieved from https://87bdf434-9adb-480e-b8f9-9239b0ceb722.filesusr.com/ugd/85d328_b73ba35a8c0b45f2ac5e26a9f18050ca.pdf

The Medical Council of Hong Kong. (2016). Annual Report 2016. Retrieved from https://www.mchk.org.hk/files/annual/files/2016/MCAR_2016_e.pdf