How is the public long-term care system financed? | Hong Kong SAR How is the public long-term care system financed? | Hong Kong SAR

18 Aug 2022

The Government is the main funding body of public LTC services with taxes, land premium, and investment income as major sources of revenues. There is no LTC insurance in Hong Kong. On average about 80-90% of the unit service cost of subsidised LTC services is borne by the Government. For Community Care Services, service users only pay for 4% of the cost of home-based services and 10% of centre-based services. For Residential Care Services, service users generally pay 10-20% of the cost. In most cases, for non-subsidised services provided by self-financing NGOs and private organisations, consumer pays the full cost. Around 80% service users of non-subsidised Residential Care Service receive an indirect full subsidy form the Government through the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme (Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan, 2017).


Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan, Elderly Commission of Government of Hong Kong SAR,. (2017). Elderly Services Programme Plan. Hong Kong: Elderly Commission of Government HKSAR Retrieved from https://www.elderlycommission.gov.hk/en/download/library/ESPP_Final_Report_Eng.pdf.