07.04.02. Please specify the total number of residential long-term care facilities and the total number of beds across all long-term residential facilities | Mexico
07.04.02. Please specify the total number of residential long-term care facilities and the total number of beds across all long-term residential facilities | Mexico
13 Jul 2022
As mentioned in part 3, there is no national registry of LTC facilities and therefore data comes from diverse sources. With respect to non-specialised facilities, a first try at generating a Census of institutions was the 2015 Social Assistance Housing Census, CAAS[1] (INEGI, 2015a), as 4,517 permanent housing institutions were identified. Of these, almost 23% (1,020) are identified as permanent homes or residences for older adults. The average number of residents per facility is 11-20 (37% of the total), followed by 21-40 (23%) and 5-10 (22%). Regarding their legal nature, 75% are private non-profit facilities, 8% are public (government funded), 2.3% are run by religious associations, and 2% are private for-profit. There are no specialised LTC dementia facilities.
[1] The objective of CAAS was to collect information on the conditions and services offered by public, social and private establishments that house vulnerable populations, along with their characteristics and those of the people who work in these centres (INEGI 2015). It focuses on all types of social assistance institutions, such as care homes and residences for the elderly, but also others as rehabilitation (drug & alcohol) centres, homes for orphans, etc.
INEGI. (2015a). Censo de Alojamientos de Asistencia Social. https://www.inegi.org.mx/programas/caas/2015/