Prevention and risk reduction of dementia | Mexico Prevention and risk reduction of dementia | Mexico

13 Jul 2022

a) Alzheimer’s disease

Modifiable risk factors are identified: Depression, Physical inactivity, Hypertension, Obesity, Smoking, Low educational attainment, and Diabetes. And the non-modifiable: advanced age, first-degree family history, autosomal dominant gene presence of apolipoprotein allele E4.

b) Vascular dementia

It is mentioned that cardiovascular risk factors contribute to the development of vascular dementia, and these are classified as modifiable and non-modifiable.

Not modifiable: Age, sex, ethnic group (black, Hispanic, and Asian race), family history.

Modifiable: Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, smoking, obesity, carotid disease, homocysteinaemia.