01.03.06. Employment and unemployment rates | Mexico
01.03.06. Employment and unemployment rates | Mexico
11 Jul 2022
Unemployment slightly decreased in the immediate years previous to the year 2018 when it was estimated that 60% of the economically active population were employed (formal, informal and self-employed). Within total working age population, women’s participation, while increasing, still lags compared to men and to women in other Latin American countries, with 43.6% of total women 15 years and older reported in the labour force compared to 77.7% of men[1] (STPS, 2019).
Informal employment[2] amounts to approximately 57% of total working population. However, out of 100 Mexican pesos generated in the country, 77 come from formal employment and 23 from the informal economy (INEGI, n.d.-a). In relation to the group of people employed in the informal sector (16.0 million in 2018), 14.9% were self-employed in agriculture (no income/pay, no benefits), 14.6% worked in paid domestic services, but with no social security benefits, 9.3% worked without pay, and the remaining 61.2% were wage earners but without social security benefits (INEGI, n.d.-b; 2020).
The working status of older adults in Mexico is relevant. According to the National Employment and Occupation Survey, in 2018, 34.1% of adults 60 years and older were employed, and of these, 49.6% were self-employed (INEGI, 2018a).
[1] Tasa Neta de Participación por Sexo: (PEA/PET en porcentaje)
[2] For statistics purposes the National Institute of Geography and Statistics, INEGI defines informal employment as that is those not affiliated to a social security institution granting health and employment benefits granted within social security insurance.
INEGI. (2018a). Estadísticas a propósito del día internacional de las personas de edad (Adultos mayores). Datos nacionales. https://www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/saladeprensa/aproposito/2018/edad2018_nal.pdf
INEGI. (2020). Estadísticas a propósito del día del trabajo. Datos nacionales. Comunicado de prensa núm. 166/20; 29 de abril de 2020. https://www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/saladeprensa/aproposito/2020/trabajoNal.pdf
INEGI. (n.d.-a). Características educativas de la población. Retrieved March 16, 2022, from https://www.inegi.org.mx/temas/educacion/
INEGI. (n.d.-b). Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas. DENUE. Retrieved March 16, 2020, from https://www.inegi.org.mx/app/mapa/denue/