Are there dementia-specific documents operationalized at subnational levels? | Indonesia Are there dementia-specific documents operationalized at subnational levels? | Indonesia
15 Apr 2022
There have not yet been many dementia-specific documents, although age-friendly policies have been implemented at regional levels. A good example of a specific regional policy is the dementia-friendly village of Ketewel in Bali (Radha, 2018). There are also clinical guidelines on diagnosis and management of dementia issued by the Indonesian Neurologists Association (PERDOSSI) in 2015 (PERDOSSI, 2015).
PERDOSSI. (2015). Panduan Praktik Klinik: Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Demensia. PERDOSSI.
Radha, W. (2018). Penuhi hak lanjut usia, TP PKK Prov. Bali Dorong Pemberdayaan Lansia melalui Kegiatan Produktif. MetroBali. http://metrobali.com/penuhi-hak-lanjut-usia-tp-pkk-prov-bali-dorong-pemberdayaan-lansia-melalui-kegiatan-produktif/