Paper: Description of the cross-cultural process adopted in the STRiDE program

Paper: Description of the cross-cultural process adopted in the STRiDE program

11 Apr 2022

South Africa

WP05 Costs and data

This paper describes the methodology used for the cross-cultural adaptation process as part of the development of a valid and culture-fair toolkit to enable the collection of data on the prevalence of dementia, its impact on people’s lives, and costs in Indonesia and South Africa, as part of the STRiDE program. The paper summaries the features of the toolkit that required action and the benefits of adopting such a process, and we provide guidance to replicate it.

Full paper:

Farina E, Jacobs R, Sani TP, Schneider M, Theresia I, Turana Y, Fitri FI, Albanese E, Lorenz-Dant K, Docrat S, Du Toit P, Ferri CP, Govia I, Comas-Herrera A, Ibnidris A, Knapp M, Banerjee B (2022) Description of the cross-cultural process adopted in the STRiDE (STrengthening Responses to dementia in DEveloping countries) program: A methodological overview. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 14, 1 e12293.