09.01.02. Employment protection | Brazil
09.01.02. Employment protection | Brazil
08 Apr 2022
Regarding employment protection, there is no specific mechanism for people living with dementia. However, both the Older People’s Statute and the People with Disability’s Statute guarantee the right to perform any type of job as long as the person manages to carry out her or his duties. No discrimination is tolerated in relation to age or impairment, the person has the right to an inclusive and adapted work environment and to receive the same opportunities and wages as the other workers. In cases of a tie in a public selection for a job, for instance, older people have priority to be hired for the vacancy (Presidency of Republic of Brazil, 2003).
Presidency of Republic of Brazil. (2003). Estatuto do Idoso. Presidency of Republic of Brazil; National Congress of Brazil’s Information System. http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/2003/l10.741.htm