The proportion of the population experiencing hearing loss? | Brazil The proportion of the population experiencing hearing loss? | Brazil
08 Apr 2022
Data from the PNS 2013 revealed that 1.1% of the population in Brazil experienced hearing loss. Regarding sex, this proportion was 1.0% among women and 1.2% among men. In the urban population, hearing loss was 1.1% while it was 1.4% among the rural population. The proportion among white people was 1.4%, while among black and mixed-race people it was 0.9%, for both groups. Hearing loss was more frequent among people aged 60 years and over (5.2%), compared with other age groups: 0-9 years (0.1%), 10-17 years (0.3%), 18-29 years (0.3%), 30-39 years (0.4%), 40-59 years (1.0%) (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 2015a).
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Ed.). (2015a). Pesquisa nacional de saúde, 2013: Ciclos de vida: Brasil e grandes regiões. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE.