The proportion of people with secondary education? | Brazil The proportion of people with secondary education? | Brazil
08 Apr 2022
These data are also available in Brazil for people aged 25 years and over through the PNAD 2017 (National Household Sample Survey). Data show that 46.1% of the population completed secondary education in Brazil. However, considering secondary education as one’s most advanced level of education, this amounts to 26.8%. Yet considering these data, there are 30.6% of women in Brazil who have secondary education, while this proportion is 30.2% for men (PNAD, 2017).
PNAD. (2017). PNAD Contínua: Edição 2017. https://agenciadenoticias.ibge.gov.br/media/com_mediaibge/arquivos/05dc6273be644304b520efd585434917.pdf