04.05.02. Are there provisions related to protecting the rights of people with dementia? Indicate if they comply with international human rights standards according to the following criteria: | Brazil
04.05.02. Are there provisions related to protecting the rights of people with dementia? Indicate if they comply with international human rights standards according to the following criteria: | Brazil
07 Apr 2022
Yes. There is Law No. 10.741 established in 2003 (“Older People’s Statute”), which guarantees the rights of all Brazilians aged 60 years and over. Older people (those aged 60 years and over) with dementia are included in this law and, in theory, should be given access to social protection, access to healthcare, housing, dignity, food, education, culture, sports, leisure, work, and transport. There is Normative No. 41 (2018) from the Ministry of Health that outlines palliative care and advance care directives in the context of SUS. The aim of this Normative is to provide quality of life for people with life-threatening diseases from the diagnosis to the end of life. The actions carried out include, among others, the provision of medicines to alleviate pain and the offer of psychological support for both the patients and their families (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2018g, 2019b). The Law number 10.216 (2001) outlines about rights and protection of people living with mental disorders (Presidency of Republic of Brazil, 2001, p. 216). These laws comply with international human rights standards.
Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2018g). RESOLUÇÃO No 41, DE 31 DE OUTUBRO DE 2018—Imprensa Nacional. http://www.in.gov.br/materia
Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2019b). Cuidados Paliativos no SUS. Ministério Da Saúde.
Presidency of Republic of Brazil. (2001). Lei 10.216. http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/leis_2001/l10216.htm