DESK REVIEWS | 08.02.07. About the support for family/unpaid carers, who are the key providers?

DESK REVIEW | 08.02.07. About the support for family/unpaid carers, who are the key providers?

The key providers of free information and support are the Alzheimer’s Associations. Some secondary level health services provide carer support through outpatient clinics across the country. There are also several services for which people can pay for support privately.

The key providers of family carer support are Department of Social Welfare, NGO-operated community care service units, Department of Health, and Hospital Authority.

Families can predominantly access psychosocial support from non-governmental organizations (e.g., ARDSI, NMT, Caregiver SAATHI etc).

Currently, the government’s support through social assistance programmes is the most common type of services available for family/unpaid carers. However, NGOs also play a role in providing support for family/unpaid carers, for instance, Alzheimer’s Indonesia and PADI (Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2019b; Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia, n.d.).


Alzheimer’s Indonesia. (2019b). Tentang Alzheimer Indonesia.

Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia. (n.d.). Facebook Page: Perkumpulan Asuhan Demensia Indonesia. Retrieved December 6, 2020, from

No data was sourced for this question.

Training is the only support available at the moment. The main providers are two social security institutions (ISSSTE and IMSS) and the National Institute of Geriatrics (INGER).

As outlined beforehand, the key providers of support are the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development (MSD) who provide the funding for the various support services.

The NGO and non-profit sector (e.g., TAFTA, ASA, Dementia-SA), and well as faith-based organisations.