DESK REVIEWS | Employment, education, and other impacts

DESK REVIEW | Employment, education, and other impacts

No information available. We do not know how, if any, the provision of care to people with dementia impacts the employment conditions and education opportunities of family carers.

Prince and colleagues (2012) conducted a population-based survey across rural and urban areas in Latin America, China, and India in order to examine the association between strain and caregiving for people with dementia. The study found that caregiver strain was higher among those caregivers who reduced their working hours to provide care in all sites with the exception of urban India. However, the findings were statistically significant in only six of the total eleven locations (across Latin America, China, and India) that the study was conducted.


Prince, M., Brodaty, H., Uwakwe, R., Acosta, D., Ferri, C. P., Guerra, M., … & Liu, Z. (2012). Strain and its correlates among carers of people with dementia in low-income and middle-income countries. A 10/66 Dementia Research Group population-based survey. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(7), 670–682.

There is information about the physical and mental health impact that caregivers experience due to caring for people with dementia, but very little about the impact of caring on the caregivers’ other life aspects. Yuniati (2017) finds that caregivers of older people with declining cognitive function had to change and adjust their working hours or work-related travels and to reduce social activities (Hammad et al., 2019).


Hammad, R., Kurniasih, J., Hasan, N. F., Dengen, C. N., & Kusrini, K. (2019). Prototipe Machine Learning Untuk Prognosis Penyakit Demensia (The Prototype of Machine Learning for The Prognosis of Dementia). JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi, 21(1), 17.

Yuniati, F. (2017). Pengalaman Caregiver dalam Merawat Lanjut Usia dengan Penurunan Daya Ingat. Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masarakat, 1(1), 27–42.

Most caregivers feel inadequately trained for the skills that they perform because they do not have any formal education in caregiving. Being the primary caregiver, there can be a further delay in educational progress because they do not find time for themselves or social activities outside the family or time to continue with education. They may not look for employment because the needs of the person they support are too demanding to combine work with their care responsibilities. Carers in employment may face the risk of losing their job, limited promotional and training opportunities, and a reduction in retirement savings and Social Security benefits (Collins & Swartz, 2011).


Collins, L. G., & Swartz, K. (2011). Caregiver care. American Family Physician, 83(11), 1309-1317.


No information is available.

Employment: carers are often required to give up formal, paid employment in order to care for their family member on a full time basis, with resulting financial strain, stress and family poverty (Kalula & Petros, 2011; Pretorius et al., 2009).

Younger carers are required to give up employment or their educational attainment in order to care for an ailing parent/family member.

Other impacts include relational deprivation, restrictions of social activities, and being prone to social isolation (Gurayah, 2015; Pretorius et al., 2009).


Gurayah, T. (2015). Caregiving for people with dementia in a rural context in South Africa. South African Family Practice, 57(3), 194–197.

Kalula, S. Z., & Petros, G. (2011). Responses to Dementia in Less Developed Countries with a focus on South Africa. Global Aging, 7(1), 31–40.

Pretorius, C., Walker, S., & Heyns, P. M. (2009). Sense of coherence amongst male caregivers in dementia: A South African perspective. Dementia, 8(1), 79–94.