DESK REVIEWS | By the Ministry/Department of Health?

DESK REVIEW | By the Ministry/Department of Health?

The number of people living with dementia is not routinely monitored in Brazil. However, there is monitoring of causes of death based on death certificates. Alzheimer’s disease can be recorded on these. Data collection is carried out through Datasus (an online public database from the Ministry of Health) (Datasus, 2019).


Datasus. (2019). DATASUS.

No governmental programs exist that routinely monitor number of people with dementia in India.

The ministry of health in Kenya has no defined measures in place to either monitor the number of people nor indicators for dementia in the country, making it difficult to even aggregate the data by age or gender. A person diagnosed with dementia is often seen at a mental health clinic in a hospital setup; however, mental disorders are often reported as aggregate data rather than by specific conditions (Kiarie et al., 2019). This makes it difficult to monitor conditions such as dementia. Specific mental disorders are only monitored when NGO or research institutions have received funding to carry out a project. This is usually only done for certain conditions and within a specified time period due to limited funding, leading to evidence of mostly small-scale studies being available (Wekesah, 2019) and hamper the possibility of larger, ongoing data collection or data monitoring. Efforts during implementation of these projects have been made to disaggregate the data to advocate for specific policy. For disaggregation has been mentioned to increase the burden of recording and reporting for health care workers unless a rational approach is used to reduce data collection overload at the cost of service provision (Bernadette et al., 2019). The existing indicators although too many have little use particularly on mental health (Bernadette et al., 2019). Sub-Counties submit aggregated data to County and National Levels through the Kenya Health Information system (KHIS) for aggregate reporting (University of North Carolina, 2017) but no focus on dementia.


Bernadette, A., Anthony, K., Ngaira, D., & Wanjala, P. (2019). Enhancing Health Information System for Evidence based decision making in the Health Sector. Nairobi, Kenya.

Kiarie, H., Gatheca, G., Ngicho, C., & Wangi, E. (2019). Lifestyle Diseases: An Increasing Cause of Health Loss. Nairobi, Kenya.

University of North Carolina. (2017). How Kenya Monitors Health Information System Performance: A Case Study. North Carolina.

Wekesah, F. (2019). Adolescent Mental Health in Kenya: Where is the data?