DESK REVIEWS | Who is responsible for deciding how much funding is available for long-term care?

DESK REVIEW | Who is responsible for deciding how much funding is available for long-term care?

The Ministry of Planning (“Ministério do Planejamento”, in Portuguese) (International Budget Partnership, 2018), in partnership with each relevant ministry (in this case, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Citizenship).


International Budget Partnership. (2018). Defining and managing budget programs in the Health Sector: The Brazilian Experience.


The Hong Kong government is responsible for deciding the funding for LTC services. It involves the Chief Executive, Legislative Council, Financial Secretary, and Secretary for Labour and Welfare, which work together to ensure the equitable distribution, allocation, and utilisation of public financial resources for LTC services.

As described above, both central government and local government are responsible for allocating available funds for LTC system. The national government develops targets and provides a budget. The institutions involved are the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and both the National and Regional Houses of Representatives. The local governments, on the other hand, are responsible for managing funds, implementation, and operation of services. In addition, local government, within their budget, can decide to allocate more funding towards long-term care.

STRiDE Jamaica intends to seek answers to the following items from to through interviews with policymakers as there is no documented procedure easily accessible to the public on funding mechanisms and timeline.

Similar to other departments in health, there is little information on how finances for LTC services should be distributed. However, the level of provision from the ministry of health should be within the ceilings provided by the sector working groups (Republic of Kenya, 2018a).


Republic of Kenya. (2018a). Guidelines for the preparation of the medium-term budget for the period 2019/20 -2021/22. Nairobi, Kenya.

Budget for the few public care homes by INAPAM and DIF comes directly from the total budget of these institutions and has to be planned internally by each institution. However, the overall budget of these institutions has to be approved by the Finance Ministry, thus, adjustments may have to be made.

As above, long term care is funded on a pay-as-you-go basis by government and is based on the priorities and thresholds for access to services determined by NASC agencies on behalf of the Ministry of Health.

South Africa’s National Treasury is responsible for managing budget preparation processes, the equitable distribution of the country’s revenue raised and in so doing, the allocation and utilisation of public financial resources (National Treasury, 2019).


National Treasury. (2019). Department: National Treasury. National Government of SA. Available from: