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21 Apr 2022
Tatisina and Sari (2017) report that where family members cannot adapt to the caregiver role, they experience stress, which can be expressed through fatigue that does not go away despite resting, alcohol or drug use, social isolation, lack of attention of carers’ own needs, inability and unwillingness to accept help from other people, feeling unappreciated, anger, depression, anxiety, and feeling guilty because he/she did not live up to their own expectations of the carer role (Yuniati, 2017). The complaints which were expressed by families included feeling tired, experience back pain, pain in the limbs, sleep disruption, headache, muscle strain, and dizzyness. The families also reported feelings of anger, impatience, stress, sadness, worry, and guilt because sometimes they mistreated the older person with dementia.
Tatisina, C. M., & Sari, M. (2017). The Correlation Between Family Burden And Giving Care for Dementia Elderly at Leihitu Sub-District , Central Maluku , Indonesia. 2(3), 41–46.
Yuniati, F. (2017). Pengalaman Caregiver dalam Merawat Lanjut Usia dengan Penurunan Daya Ingat. Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masarakat, 1(1), 27–42.