08.01.05. What information is available on the socio-economic status of informal care workers? | South Africa

08.01.05. What information is available on the socio-economic status of informal care workers? | South Africa

15 Aug 2022

The findings of the 10/66 Dementia Research group indicate that caregivers are often required to give up formal, paid employment in order to care for their family member on a full time basis, with resulting financial strain, stress and family poverty (Kalula & Petros, 2011). Giving up formal employment to care for a family member (unpaid) or being appointed as an informal carer (paid), leads to these carers remaining at a lower socio-economic status.


Kalula, S. Z., & Petros, G. (2011). Responses to Dementia in Less Developed Countries with a focus on South Africa. Global Aging, 7(1), 31–40.