08.01.05. What information is available on the socio-economic status of informal care workers? | Kenya
08.01.05. What information is available on the socio-economic status of informal care workers? | Kenya
04 Apr 2022
Informal care workers (untrained and often given the role of taking care of a person with dementia) who are commonly known as house managers, earn the least salary among employees of all ranks (Venas News, 2019). Most informal workers in high end homes are degree holders while those in the capital or informal settlements are either primary or secondary school leavers who dropped out of school or were unable to afford tertiary education.
Venas News. (2019). Salary of a Maid/House help in Kenya 2019. VENASNEWS, 24 Janyary. Nairobi, Kenya. https://venasnews.co.ke/2019/01/24/salary-of-a-maidhouse-help-in-kenya-2019/