08.01.03. Please describe the socio-demographic characteristics of informal carers | Kenya

08.01.03. Please describe the socio-demographic characteristics of informal carers | Kenya

04 Apr 2022

Similar to other African countries, most care givers are female and range in age from children to older adults and could be family members (spouse, parent, or children) or unorganized and unregulated domestic workers (paid informally in the home of caregiving relatives) (World Health Organization, 2017c). This is because informal provision of care is considered as an obligatory role especially if the person with dementia is a family member making the activity less structured and undertaken in private (Burr et al.,  2005).


Burr, J. A., Choi, N. G., Mutchler, J. E., & Caro, F. G. (2005). Caregiving and volunteering: are private and public helping behaviors linked? The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 60(5), S247–S256. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/60.5.s247

World Health Organization. (2017c). WHO series on long-term care: Towards long-term care systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Geneva, Switzerland. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241513388