Are home care services available? Are there differences in availability by location? What kind of services are provided in people’s homes? | Brazil Are home care services available? Are there differences in availability by location? What kind of services are provided in people’s homes? | Brazil
08 Apr 2022
Yes. Regarding community-based services, the provision of home care services is offered by the SUS in terms of (1) home care visits through the Primary Care Program (that provides orientations about family structure, home infrastructure etc.), and (2) through the program “Better at Home” (Melhor em Casa) that provides domiciliary health care to people who need equipment and other health resources. It is noted, however, that the provision of these services are less available in small towns and rural areas (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2019a, 2019j). The family health strategy incorporates primary healthcare teams which are composed at least of one doctor (GP), one nurse, and several general health workers. General health workers visit all households under their responsibility for monitoring and education. Doctors and nurses can make visits to patients with mobility difficulties for a general health assessment, monitoring, or for a specific situation identified by the team. Home care services are also provided by private companies, such as formal care by demand (hourly paid), nursing care, home-based invasive treatment (intravenous antibiotics, oxygen therapy), physiotherapy (respiratory and motor), nutritional assessment, among other services. The family may also hire a formal care independently and pay for it informally (per hour) or formally as domestic employee (through formal employment that includes all the constitutional rights).
Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2019a). Atenção Domiciliar.
Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2019j). SAGE – Sala de Apoio à Gestão Estratégica. http://sage.saude.gov.br/