07.01.09. How do people with dementia access long-term care? | Mexico
07.01.09. How do people with dementia access long-term care? | Mexico
13 Jul 2022
Mexico does not have a publicly funded national long-term care system. However, care is being provided in different ways. First, unpaid informal care by family members is the main source of care and in some cases, especially when economic resources are available with the support of domestic paid workers. To our knowledge, there are only 4 long-term care (care homes) private institutions in the country that are focused exclusively on people with dementia. While (for-profit and non-profit) private care homes usually have as their main requirement for entry that the older adult is “functional and independent”, those who develop dementia will usually remain under their care, while others will make them return to the care of a family member. As a result, most older people with dementia, while receiving care in LTC institutions, will receive sub-standard care or care that is not optimal as the majority of managers and carers are not trained, nor the institutions equipped to provide dementia care and management.