The proportion of people with secondary education? | Indonesia The proportion of people with secondary education? | Indonesia
20 Apr 2022
Data from Susenas (March 2018) also states that among those 15 years and older, 21.60%, declare their highest education attainment to be secondary (junior high) school, 13.82% completed senior high school and 5.63% vocational high school. A total of 4.49% have a university degree (including: diploma for 1-3 years education, bachelor’s degree, and postgraduate degrees).
In urban areas, among males in this age group, 20.97% declared junior high school to be their highest educational attainment for males, 27.97% reported senior high school, 8.80% vocational high school, and 12.06% a university degree. For females, these percentages are 20.92%, 24.65%, 5.92%, and 12.35%, respectively. In rural areas, 22.22% of males reported junior high school to be their highest educational attainment. 15.42% completed senior high school, 4,36% vocational high school and 4.16% a university degree. For females, these percentages were 20.98%, 12.22%, 2.61%, and 4.82%, respectively (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2019a).
Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019a). Berita Resmi Statistik.