05.08. About public awareness campaigns and dementia, have these (or earlier) campaigns been evaluated? Is there evidence of impact? | Kenya

05.08. About public awareness campaigns and dementia, have these (or earlier) campaigns been evaluated? Is there evidence of impact? | Kenya

01 Apr 2022

There has not been formal evaluation for the campaigns. However, the awareness campaign that was held in local dialect (Kikuyu), had a greater number of views in YouTube (17,000) than the campaigns that were held in English language, which had about 1,000 views each. There was also more feedback on the awareness campaign held in kikuyu language (Alzheimer’s & Dementia Organization Kenya (ADOK), 2018). From preliminary discussions, STRiDE Kenya intervention revealed an increased interest among Community Health Workers in expanding coverage to target more community members.


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Organization Kenya (ADOK). (2018). World Alzheimer’s Day 2018.