04.08.01. What changes in policy in relation to dementia are expected in the next five years? | India

04.08.01. What changes in policy in relation to dementia are expected in the next five years? | India

07 Jul 2022

There are certain activities that may influence policy for dementia in the future. The ARDSI has submitted a draft strategy report in 2018 which provides an overview of targets and activities that are needed in a national dementia policy (ARDSI, 2018). This is available to view online at: https://ardsi.org/pdf/Dementia%20India%20Strategy%20Report%202018.pdf

More recently, the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka, NITI-Aayog and the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) have launched the Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (KBHI) (KBHI, 2022). KBHI aims to address neurological disease burden (including dementia) through using evidence-based tools/protocols to diagnose and manage dementia and includes training of primary health care physicians to reduce delays in diagnosis and facilitate timely treatment (Alladi, 2022; KBHI, 2022).


Alladi. S (2022). Primary Health Care doctors training by neurologists. Twitter. Available from: https://twitter.com/alladi_suvarna/status/1502244487191416833?cxt=HHwWgsCqjdzZhdkpAAAA

Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India.  (2018). Dementia India Strategy Report. Alzheimer Disease International. Available from: https://ardsi.org/pdf/Dementia%20India%20Strategy%20Report%202018.pdf

Karnataka Brain Health Initiative (2022). Forum for Karnataka Brain Health Initiative. National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences. Available from: https://brainhealthnimhans.in/#