04.07.06. Is care coordination between multiple governmental sectors occurring at primary, secondary, or tertiary level care? | Hong Kong SAR

04.07.06. Is care coordination between multiple governmental sectors occurring at primary, secondary, or tertiary level care? | Hong Kong SAR

19 Aug 2022

The care coordination between multiple governmental sectors is occurring across primary, secondary, and tertiary levels for people with dementia and their family carers is described in section 04.07.01. The Mental Health Review Report (MHRR) illustrates a care pyramid in addressing appropriate levels of care and multiple needs at different stages of dementia (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 184).


Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.