Provisions exist which promote the transition of dementia care to community-based services | South Africa Provisions exist which promote the transition of dementia care to community-based services | South Africa

14 Aug 2022

The Older Person’s Act is based in a philosophy of ‘active aging’, whereby older persons are promoted to participate and live in communities as long as possible, promoting a movement toward deinstitutionalising care (Government Gazette, 2006; Jordan, 2009). However, these legislative frameworks acknowledge that funding is still biased to residential care instead of community-based services (Jordan, 2009).


Government Gazette. (2006). Older Persons Act, No.13 of 2006 (Vol. 13, Issue 1098). Available from: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/other/2012/3/older_persons_act.pdf

Jordan, C. (2009). Older Person’s Programme: Concept paper. Available from: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/other/2009/10/concept_paper-_programme_older_persons.pdf