Empowerment | Hong Kong SAR Empowerment | Hong Kong SAR
18 Aug 2022
The Mental Health Review Report (MHRR) lists out the principles identified by the WHO which include empowering the full and active participation of persons with dementia and their family carers to overcome stigma and discrimination (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 141). This report also indicates the need for information and community resources to empower carers on their competence to perform care tasks and maintain their caring roles (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 143).
Moreover, the Elderly Services Programme Plan (ESPP) mentions the principles of active and productive ageing of older people. It promotes the participation of older people to the society and empower them in continuous and self-directed learning, volunteer activities, and flexible retirement mechanisms (Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan, 2017, pp. 22-23)
Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report. Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.
Working Group on Elderly Services Programme Plan, Elderly Commission of Government of Hong Kong SAR,. (2017). Elderly Services Programme Plan. Hong Kong: Elderly Commission of Government HKSAR Retrieved from https://www.elderlycommission.gov.hk/en/download/library/ESPP_Final_Report_Eng.pdf.