Are there any planned changes (reforms) to the organisation and financing of the long-term care system? | Hong Kong SAR Are there any planned changes (reforms) to the organisation and financing of the long-term care system? | Hong Kong SAR
18 Aug 2022
The Social Welfare Department is currently updating the assessment tool of Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services (SCNAMES) and reforming the LTC service matching mechanism.
According to the 2019 Policy Address, the Government plans to provide an additional 1,000 service voucher (total up to 8,000) under the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly, and an additional 3,000 service quota under Integrated Home Care Services (Frail Cases) (The Chief Executive’s 2019 Policy Address, 2019, October 18).
The Chief Executive’s 2019 Policy Address. (2019, October 18). Press Conference on Labour and Welfare Policy Highlights. Hong Kong Retrieved from https://gia.info.gov.hk/general/201910/18/P2019101800619_325338_1_1571394513483.pdf.