Are some aspects of long-term care covered by the country’s main health financing mechanisms (for example by the insurance schemes)? | South Africa Are some aspects of long-term care covered by the country’s main health financing mechanisms (for example by the insurance schemes)? | South Africa

13 Aug 2022

Historically, long-term care have been run by NGOs, charities and faith-based organisations (FBO’s), financed via the State (for those who are eligible) or privately (i.e., out of pocket payments) (Lloyd-Sherlock, 2019a). Medical aid schemes in South Africa cover medical events; however, long-term care such as frail care services are rarely supported (Du Preez, 2015). However, depending on the insurance product purchased, despite not covering long-term care accommodation and care in facilities, medical insurance covers any chronic medication or aids required while being frail or incapacitated (Du Preez, 2015).


Du Preez, L. (2015). Frail care: What you should know. Personal Finance. Available from: https://geratecza.com/2018/07/30/frail-care-what-you-should-know-laura-du-preez/

Lloyd-Sherlock, P. (2019a). Long-term Care for Older People in South Africa: The Enduring Legacies of Apartheid and HIV/AIDS. Journal of Social Policy, 48(1), 147–167. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279418000326