Does primary care access act as a gatekeeper system for access to secondary and tertiary care? | Hong Kong SAR Does primary care access act as a gatekeeper system for access to secondary and tertiary care? | Hong Kong SAR
16 Aug 2022
Primary care is the first point of contact for continuing the healthcare pathway in Hong Kong. Primary care practitioners act as gatekeepers making recommendations and referrals to specialists according to the patients’ health care needs (Kung et al., 2007; Ng, 2006). While there is a long waiting time for public specialist outpatient services, patients can opt for private specialists in hospital and clinics at their own expense for a shorter waiting time.
Kung, K., Lam, A., & Li, P. (2007). Referrals from general practitioners to medical specialist outpatient clinics: effect of feedback and letter templates. Hong Kong Practitioner, 29(9).
Ng, W. (2006). Primary Healthcare. Healthcare Policy Forum/Hong Kong Democratic Foundation.